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Thursday, 27 February 2014

Cyber safety

This site is a must read for teachers and parents. Having the conversations such as suggested in the link below is a great way to promote healthy Internet habits.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Free IPAD Apps for teaching - Socrative - smart response clicker

Socrative - Engage your classroom via any mobile device. In only three 
minutes, you can set up a smart response clicker that involves students like 
never before. By allowing them to use their phones to participate in class, you can 
actively involve them. With educational games and exercises, you can engage and 
assess your students with ease. 

Works with almost any device with a web browser (except some types of blackberries) 
 Short Answer 
 Space Race 
 Exit Tickets 
 Quick Quiz 
 Multiple Choice 
 Polls 
 Simple Grading 
 Assessment 

iPhone Screenshot 1
Image taken from
iPhone Screenshot 2
Image taken from

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Setting up your Bishops email account on your iPad

1) Go to 'settings' and then click on 'mail, contacts, calendars'

2) Click on 'add account' and then select 'Exchange'

3) Type in your Bishops email address and password

4) Click 'next'

5) Details for 'server' must be "", domain must be set as "dcp-domain" and the username must be your Bishops username, not your email address, along with your Bishops password.

6) Once you have filled these in, click 'next'

7) Make sure all of the following settings are on and then click 'save'

8) A new account has appeared named 'Exchange', click on it

9) Choose how much data you would like to import, for example if you want one week's worth of past data, then you must set 'mail days to sync' to 1 week

10) On the home screen, push the 'mail' button

11) Wait for email data to be imported and then check that your email is working

Follow the same steps as above in order to set up additional Mail accounts such as a Gmail account via Google.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Connecting to the Bishops' Network

1) Turn your WiFi setting ON in Settings > WiFi

2) Select 'Bishops WiFi' to configure settings

3) Do NOT enter any DHCP or IP settings

4) Under 'HTTP PROXY', select 'Auto' and enter the URL http://intranet/wpad.dat

5) Upon exiting the Wi-Fi Settings page, an authentication prompt appears. Enter your Bishops username and password.

6) A certification prompt will appear. Select 'Accept'

7) After a short period of loading, a tick will appear next to 'Bishops WiFi' as well as the Wifi icon. This indicates that you are connected to the Bishops' Network.

8) If you double tap on 'Bishops-WiFi', you will notice that all the DHCP settings have been automatically set.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

8 Safe Search Engines for children

The Internet is not without its share of safety issues and content that is inappropriate for younger children. Fortunately, there are plenty of good children-focused search tools available. This website suggests 8 safe search environments.