

Setting up a GMAIL account
If you don't already have a Gmail account you will need to set one up. I LOVE Google Chrome and there are load of Google Apps you can use too if you do this. Please see the steps to create a gmail account here:

Creating an Itunes AccountTo purchase and download from the iTunes Store, you'll need to have an Apple ID.You can sign in to the iTunes Store using your existing Apple ID  but if you don't have an Apple ID, you will need to create one before you can begin using the iTunes Store.

Why an iPad?
iPads are very portable, being both small and light. They will last all day on a single charge. The iBook feature lets you keep a number of the books and resources needed for school on the iPad. The iPad will also access the Internet, school email and other online curriculum. It will allow you to word process, work with pictures and create spread sheets, presentations and videos. In addition there are numerous subject specific applications.

What iPad should I buy?
What size should I get, 32 or 64GB?
The size really is a matter of choice, however for school purposes the 32GB is more than sufficient. Remember though to not save all your photos on your iPad!

As you are buying the 3G model, you will also need a sim card for the data bundle, just as you do for your mobile phone. When you are not connected to a wireless network, the 3G model will kick in, and your 3g plan will be charged for any downloads. At school, over time (for the moment – only in the staff room) the iPad connects to the Bishops network and passes through all our Internet filters and security. A 3G model can bypass these filters.

You can use the iPad with any wireless hotspot, such as those found at Coffee Houses, Airports, Hotels etc.

I have a machine at home, will my iPad connect to my machine?
The iPad connects to either a laptop, Mac or a PC via iTunes. It doesn't matter what you have at home. The iPad will sync, backup and talk to either PC or Mac desktops or laptops. You must please download iTunes onto your school or home PC / laptop. Decide please which you will use for backing up your iPad and then always sync your iPad to that device.

What apps should I load?
Let’s work collaboratively on this. I’ve uploaded a few that I like and that other teachers have suggested I try. I’d love you to comment on these so that together we can come up with a list of what we like and why!

Do I need wireless Internet at home?
The iPad is a wireless internet device. You are required to download your own apps and you will therefore need to have internet connectivity at home (wireless, 3 g or via a home laptop). If you already have wireless internet at home, the iPad will easily connect to this. If you do not have wireless, you can still access iTunes from your PC or laptop, and then download apps to your iPad.

What sort of Internet Plan do I need at home?
It is very important to check what type of Internet Plan you are on. Some plans charge you if you go over your monthly download allowance, others give unlimited downloads and slow your connection down if you go over you monthly limit. If you have wireless at home then set your iPad to prompt for wireless. The contract that you are on allows 2g per month but if you go over that, Vodacom will bill you and it’s expensive!

Will reading books off my iPad hurt my eyes?
You will not be using the iPad all the time and the iPad can be adjusted for brightness to suit your personal preference.

An iPad has no USB, how do I transfer files?
The iPad doesn’t have a USB, but that does not mean you can’t easily transfer files. There are a number of ways to do this

· The iPad can plug into (via the supplied cable) your home machine and copy files across.

· You can email the file to yourself from your iPad, then open it on your home machine

· You can save files to your network space at school (once that is set up)

· You can transfer files (and keep a backup at the same time) using

What is Dropbox?
Dropbox is a web site that allows you to save files from an iPad, PC, Mac, iPhone or a range of other devices and access them from anywhere in the world. In fact having is probably safer than a USB. Beside losing the USB, sometimes it fails and all work on it is lost. Files are actually safer stored “in the cloud” on the Internet. Dropbox is password protected so files are safe, and files can be easily shared with others.

How do I print from an iPad?
Email the document to yourself and print from a computer!

How do I save to an iPad?
The iPad actually has a safe, and regular saving mechanism. All of these saved files can be saved to your ‘home’ (once that has been set up) or emailed.

Do I need a case?
You most certainly do. Not only will it help protect your iPad, it will help you identify it. There are a large number of cases on the market.

Can I plug a keyboard into an iPad? Yes you can plug in a keyboard. We have found the built-in screen keyboard works well, especially when you get used to it. However, if you are wanting to type up a large piece on your iPad rather than your school or home PC you can buy an iPad keyboard dock, or you can connect a Bluetooth keyboard.

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